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��Դ������ ���ߣ�  ����   ʱ�䣺2011-06-03   �����


Daily sin: cleaning

It’s the perfect excuse to unplug the vacuum and abandon the washing up — housework can actually be bad for your health, according to research published earlier this year.

Scientists in the U.S. found those who took on most of the responsibility for running the home had significantly higher blood pressure than those who left it to their partner.

Daily sin: breathing wrongly

Ask anyone to take in a deep breath and they will no doubt puff out their chest as they inhale — but this is wrong, says Neil Shah, psychotherapist and director of the Stress Management Society.

‘This means that stale air lingers in the bottom of our lungs.Yet it’s the bottom section of the lungs that contains the warmest and wettest blood vessels — the most efficient for gas exchange and moving oxygen into the blood.’

Luckily, you can train your body to go back to breathing properly, he says.

To practice it, try to inflate your stomach as you breathe in, while keeping your chest relatively still — imagine a beach ball inflating in the space between your belly button and your spine, pushing your tummy out.

Then contract your abdominal muscles on the exhale.

Just a few minutes each day practising can have a huge effect — it can help combat stress and even lower blood pressure.

Daily sin: relaxing after dinner

We’ve all been there — after a busy day you whip up a quick supper before relaxing on the sofa for an hour and then head towards your bed.

‘If you’re inactive during the evening, or you eat just before bed, your body’s more likely to lay down that food as fat,’ says Claire MacEvilly, nutritionist at the Human Nutrition Research laboratory at Cambridge University.

‘But taking a brisk 20-minute walk after dinner means there’s no reason why eating your evening meal at 8pm, or even 9pm should make you put on any weight.’

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