����But now it is realized that supplies of some of them are limited, and it is even possible to give a reasonable estimate of their “expectation of life”, the time it will take to exhaust all known sources and reserves of these materials.��84�꿼�⣩
�����������þ�ĹǸɽṹΪ“It is realized that …”��itΪ��ʽ���that��������Ӿ��Լ����е�it is even possible to …�ṹ�����У�����ʽ�����the time …��“expectation of life”��ͬλ���һ�������京�壬��time����ľ��������Ķ���Ӿ䡣���ν��ṹ������ĸ���ε����壺A. ��������������ʶ����B. ������Щ�����ʵ��̲��������ģ�C. �������������ԱȽϺ���ع��Ƴ���Щ������“�������ڶ�����”��D. ����Щ��֪��Դ�ʹ��������Ĵ�����ʱ�䡣����ͬλ��Ӿ�ķ��뷽�����ѵ��IJ�����ı�����ʵ��ĵ���, �������Ӿͷ���Ϊ��
����It therefore becomes more and more important that, if students are not to waste their opportunities, there will have to be much more detailed information about courses and more advice.
�����������þ���һ�����䣬һ������״��Ӿ��һ������Ӿ���ɣ�“……���Խ��Խ��Ҫ”�����䣬Ҳ��ȫ����������ݣ�ȫ�乲������ν��ṹ���������㺬�壺A. ……���Խ��Խ��Ҫ��B. ���Ҫʹѧ������������ǵĻ��C. ��Ϊ�����ṩ������Ϊ�꾡����Ϣ���������ָ����Ϊ��ʹ���ķ��Ϻ���ı��ϰ�ߣ����ǿɲ�����������ɣ�
����You are the representative of a country and of a continent to which China feels particularly close.
��������һλ������ʹ�й��������еĹ��Һʹ��Ĵ����What brings us together is that we have common interests which transcend those differences.
����Television, it is often said, keeps one informed about current events, allow one to follow the latest developments in science and politics, and offers an endless series of programs which are both instructive and entertaining. (85�꿼��)
�����������ڴ˳����У���һ��������“it is often said”���������е�ν��ṹ������һ������Ӿ䣬�����������е�ν��ṹ�����ڽṹ������ͬһ�����ӣ������ж��������壬����ڷ���ʱ�����Բ��÷־䷨�����պ����ϰ�߰��������ӷֽ�ɼ��������ķ־䣬����ɣ�
����(5) ���鷨
����Decision must be made very rapidly; physical endurance is tested as much as perception, because an enormous amount of time must be spent making certain that the key figures act on the basis of the same information and purpose.
����People were afraid to leave their houses, for although the police had been ordered to stand by in case of emergency, they were just as confused and helpless as anybody else.
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