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��Դ������ ���ߣ�     ʱ�䣺2008-07-28   �����

�����й��˼���ʱϲ���ʣ��Թ�����? Have you had breakfast(lunch, supper)?����ȥ?Where are you going?�ⶼ����������ڼ����ʺ�ʱ���ʵ����⡣���������������“������”���˼һ���Ϊ��Ҫ�˽��˼ҵ�˽�£������������С������ϲ���ʣ�“�����?”��仰�����в��ٱ�﷽������How are you? How do you do ?How have you been doing? Hello! Hey!�ȡ�����һ�����������ʺ�ȡ�������뱻�ʺ��˵Ĺ�ϵ���г̶ȡ���֮����һ����ʺ��ֱ����ܻ����˸е�Ī��������ǰ�����˵�ϰ�߷���Ϻá�

�����й���ϲ���Բ������ͬ�顣������������ײ�Ը���ֳ�������һ�棬�����DZ�����ͬ��Ļ�δ�ػ��յ��õ�Ч�������磺�й�������˵һ������������ܻ�˵����֪����Ƿ�ѣ���в����͹��С�ֱ�룺I was rather disturbed by and concerned about your illness.�����������ʹ�е�������أ�ֻ�ܼ��ز��˵Ĺ��ǣ��ﲻ����ο���˵�Ŀ�ġ�����Ӣ�ĵı��ϰ�ߣ�����Ϊ��I am sorry to hear about your illness and wish you a speedy recovery.��������ȱ���˽����ߵ��ѹ����飬�ֱ����ϣ�����˾��쿵����Ը����

�������ܵ�������лʱ���й��������Ƚ�ǫ�飬��˵��“��ûʲô��”“������Ӧ�����ġ�”���ߣ�“�������һ����úܲ”���ֱ�룺It is nothing. This is my duty. This is what I should do. Well, I have not done very well. There is still much to be improved.������Щǫ���Ļ�����������������������Ե�������������ͨ����˵��It’s my pleasure.
Thank you for your kind words. I feel flattered.������Щ��ʱ���˸���������ϰ�����롣

�����й���ӭ��Զ�������Ŀ���ʱ������˵��“һ·�������ˡ��۲���?”You must have been tired after the long flight(journey)�������ϲ���ڱ�����ǰ�Ե����ᡢ�г�������ϲ��������Ϊ����������ƣ�͸С���ˣ������ʺ�ֱ��Ч�����ã�����ɣ� How was the flight? Have you had a pleasant flight?����You have had a long flight.

������1 �й�����Ϊ�����Դ�Բ�Ʒ���ȶ��г���ͬʱ�й�����๤ҵ��Ʒ���������г�����Ҫ��
����ֱ�룺Your resource-based products can find a stable market in China and Chinese industrial products can meet the needs of your market.��ôֱ��Ҳ������˵��ģ���Ϊ���ǵĹ�ҵƷҪȥռ�����ǵ��г���ͬ������˼���Է��ø�����һЩ���磺You may find a stable market in China for your primary products and may also get a number of industrial products from China to meet some of your needs.

������2 �������ҽ���һ�����������ĵľ������⡣
����ֱ�룺I wish to talk on China’s economic development in which you are interested.
�������룬�Եý�����̫�϶����ڻ�����������ݸ���Ȥ�����ܽ�����֪������������Ȥ�ģ���˵�ÿ���һ��Ч�����á�����Ϊ��I would like to brief you on China’s economic development, which might be of interest to you.

����1974�꣬���ô�“���������ίԱ��”�û�����������һλ��Ա���ҽӴ���Ա˵���ҷ������񾯲죬ԭ���������糿�����뵽���������˵��You have breakfast at 8, get your luggage downstairs at 8:30 and leave here for the airport at 9.OK?���Լ򵥡���Ӳ������ò������������˲��õ�ӡ�󡣽�������˵��Breakfast is at 8. Would you please get your luggage downstairs at 8:30?we are going to leave here for the airport at 9.
��������һλŮ�����к����ʱ����������“Hello”����֪��˵��"Excuse me"������������ʱ���ǣ�Attention please.������˵��Ladies and Gentlemen, may I have your attention please.���һλ����Դ˸е����죬˵��I don’t want to talk to that wild girl.Ҫ�˰�æʱ������ʱ����˵�����ܸ����ҵ�×××�ط���ô����?����˵Ӣ����? �ȡ����Ӣ����ɣ�Can you tell me how to get to……?Can you speak English?�ǽ��Ǻܲ��������ʻ����Է�����Ϊ�㻳��������������ΪӢ����can��ʾ�����������Ϊcould,����Ͳ�ͬ�ˡ�������Ϊ��Could you please tell me how to get……? Do you speak English?һ��İ�����������ȥij��ʱ����ܿ��ܴ�˵��“�������������ȥ��”�罫��仰��ΪYou’d better take a bus,������������ò����ΪYou’d better……������ͺ���You have a duty to do something,��You have an obligation to…����˼����һ������������������������������ˣ��������벻����ò����仰���������ı�﷽����
�����磺I suggest you take a bus.
����It might be better to take a bus.
����Perhaps you might like to take a bus.
����Why not take a bus?
����I think the best way is by bus.

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