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��Դ�����˽��� ���ߣ�     ʱ�䣺2008-11-14   �����






��1. ������һȥ�������ģ��ȵ�����˥��ʱ��Ҫ��ѧ��Ҳ�������ˡ�(�����ݲ�η���)

���ģ� Youth will soon be gone�� never to return. And it will be too late for you to go into scholarship when in your declining years.

��2. �������ȥ��ͻȻ������ֻС��ͣ���ںӱߣ�������λ����˯�����㡣(������任������)

���ģ� Looking through the window, she suddenly spotted a boat moored to the bank. In it there was a boatman fast asleep.

��3. �������¶ȵ�����������΢����������������ѹ��Ӱ�졣(�ӹ����ʴ�����)

���ģ� The speed of sound increases slightly with a rise in temperature and falls with decrease in temperature. It is not affected by the pressure of the air.

��4. ���ǵ�������ʵ��“һ�����ң������ƶ�”������˵���������л����񹲺͹��ڣ�����ʮ�����˿ڵĴ�½ʵ����������ƶȣ���ۡ�̨�����ʵ���ʱ������ƶȡ�(ԭ�ij�����˵�����ʱҪ����)

���ģ� We are pursuing a policy of “one country with two systems.” More specifically, this means that within the People’s Republic of China, the mainland with its more than one billion people will maintain the socialist system, while Hong Kong and Taiwan continue under the capitalist system.

��5. �������Ŷ��ҹ���ʥ����̨��ʵ�к�ƽͳһ���йص����ߣ�Ҳ��������֪�Ͳ���ı�ģ����������������ġ�(Ϊ��ǿ�����������÷���)

���ģ� We want peaceful reunification with Taiwan which is part of our sacred territory. Our policy in this regard is also known to all and will not change. The desire for peaceful reunification of the motherland is taking hold in the hearts of the entire Chinese nation.




���ģ�A conflict between the generations between youth and age seems the most stupid, for it is one between oneself as one is and oneself as one will be, or between oneself as one was and oneself as one is.


���ģ�To me my aquarium is like my own little kingdom where I am king.


���ģ�The following day I received another telegram consisting of 34 ciphers, giving more details.

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