1. ���� ���� ��Quality Education ���� Ӣ��
����2. EQ�������֣�һ��Ϊ��������Educational quotient����һ���������Emotional quotient
����3. ����ҵ�� the insurance industry ����Ӣ��
����4. ��֤�ص�ָ���� ensure funding for priority areas
����5. ������Ƿ�����Ͻ� clear up pension payments in arrears
����6. ������� non-performing loan ����Ӣ��
����7. ���ת����Υ���ְ��� mutlti-level contracting and illegal subcontracting
����8. ���������磺 credit cooperative in both urban and rural areas
����9. ��������������ϣ� a minimum standard of living for city residents
����10. ����ְ��ҽ�Ʊ��� �ƶ� �� the system of medical insurance for urban workers
����11. �����Ŵ��� export credit
����12. ���������� loan quality
����13. ���������弶���� �취 �� the five-category assets classification for bank loans
����14. �����ͻ�����ڷ��գ� take precautions against and reduce financial risks
����15. ���鹤�̣� flood-prevention project
����16. �Ƿ���㽻�� �� illegal foreign exchange transaction
����17. ��ó���ջ㣺 foreign exchange earnings through nontrade channels
����18. �����н��ڻ����� non-bank financial institutions
����19. �Ѹ�˰�� transform administrative fees into taxes
����20. ������ƣ� foolow-up auditing
����21. ���̼��� �ƶ� �� the monitoring system for projects
����22. �����ʲ���ȫ�� the safety of state-owned assets
����23. ���ȿ��� �� excess reclamation
����24. ��ͬ�����ƶȣ� the contract system for governing projects
����25. �����IJ��� ���� �� pro-active fiscal policy
����26. ��������ѣ� basic allowance
����27. ����Ͷ���ϵ�� sever labor relation
����28. ���ڼ�������ƣ� the responsibility system for financial supervision
����29. ���ð�ȫ�� economic security
����30. ������������ָ㽨�裺 to increase the deficit to spend more on development
����31. ����������� �� the expansion of domestic demand
����32. �������������� fuel economic growth
����33. ��ʳ�ֿ⣺ grain depot
����34. ��ʳ�չ���ҵ�� grain collection and storage enterprise
����35. ��ʳ�չ��ʽ�ʵ�з�����У� closed operation of grain purchase funds
����36. ��ʳ�����г��� grain sales market
����37. ���ʹ��̣� shoddy engineering
����38. ���շѡ���̯�ɡ��ҷ�� arbitrary charges, fund-raising, quotas and fines
����39. ƭ�㡢�ӻ㡢 �� �� obtain foreign currency under false pretenses, not turn over foreign owed to the government and illegal arbitrage
����40. ���������� financing channels
����41. ��ҵ�Ŵ�ԭ�� the principles for commercial credit
����42. ��ᱣ�ջ����� social security institution
����43. ʧҵ���ս� unemployment insurance benefits
����44. ͵˰��ƭ˰����˰����˰�� tax evasion, tax fraud and refusal to pay taxes
����45. �����֧�� foreign exchange revenue and spending
����46. ���ӹ��̣� housing project for low-income urban residents
����47. ��Ϣ���� information-based; informationization
����48. �����ܼ��ͣ� concentration of brain power; knowledge-intensive
����49. ������ҵ�� overseas-funded enterprises
����50. �¸�ְ���� laid-off workers
����51. ������ reposition of redundant personnel
����52. ���� ������ education for all-round development
����53. ���������̣� jerry-built projects
����54. ��������� law-and-order situation
����55. ������ң� nation state
����56. “̨��”�� "independence of Taiwan"
����57. ̨�嵱�֣� Taiwan authorities
����58. ̨��ͬ�� �� Taiwan compatriots
����59. ̨�����й��������ɷָ��һ���֣�Taiwan is an inalienable part of the Chinese territory.
����60. ������ �� Development of the West Regions
����61. �ɳ����Է�չ�� sustainable development
����62. ����Ͷ�� �� risk investment
����63. ͨ������ �� deflation
����64. �������� �� to expand domestic demand
����65. �����������ѧ�� computer-assisted instruction ( CAI )
����66. ����ռ䣺 cyberspace
����67. ������ʵ�� virtual reality
����68. ���� �� netizen ( net citizen )
����69. ���Է��� �� computer crime
����70. �������� the e-business
����71. ���Ϲ��� �� shopping online
����72. Ӧ�Խ����� exam-oriented education
����73. ѧ������ �� to reduce study load
����74. “�����ŵ”��(EL Nino)
����75. “������”��(La Nina)
����76. “����”��(IQ)
����77. “����”��(EQ)
����78. “������ҵ”��(third/tertiary industry,service sector,third sequence of enterprises)
����79.“���IJ�ҵ”��(quaternary/information industry)
����80.“��ɩ”��(military spouse)
����84.“ҡͷ��”��dancing outreach
����85.“����”��multi level marketing
����86.“(�����)2000������”��Y2K problem(y for year, k for kilo or thousand)
����87.“��Ƥ��”��white paper(����white cover book)
����89.“����”��IOU note(IOU��ծ�ծ����I owe you �Ķ�������ת�����)
����90.“Ѳ����Ƹ”��milk round(һ����Ƹ ��ҵ�� �ķ�ʽ����˾�߷ø���ѧ��ѧԺ������ְ�߽��ܱ���˾������뱨������̸)��
����91.“��Ա��Ч”��increase efficiency by downsizing staff;
����92.“ץ���С”��manage large enterprises well while ease control over small ones;
����93.“������Ҫ���X��ʵ��”��x major projects that should be given top priority as designated on the municipal government’s working agenda;
����94.“����������”��two focal points��two of the major points of the line set by the 13th Congress of the CPC��I.e.upholding the four cardinal principles and the policies reform��opening to the outside world and invigorating domestic economy��
����95.“Ͷ���ȵ�”��a region attractive to investors��a muchsought piece of hand��popular investment spot
����97.“����ծ”��chain debts��debt chains
����98.“ȭͷ��Ʒ”��knockout product
����99.“Ͷ������”��dial-a-cheat confidential hotline(��绰����һ����թ�¼�)
����100.“��ͨ”��������three links��link of trade��travel and post...
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