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��Դ������ ���ߣ�  ����   ʱ�䣺2011-04-27   �����

����These Things Shall Never Die ��Щ���ò�������
����Charles Dickens ���˹·�Ҹ�˹
����The pure, the bright, the beautiful, һ�д���ģ��Ի͵ģ������ģ�
����That stirred our hearts in youth, ǿ�ҵ������������������ģ�
����The impulses to wordless prayer, �ƶ������������Եĵ���ģ�
����The dreams of love and truth, �����������Ű�������ģ�
����The longing after something's lost, ��ʧȥ��Ϊ֮�е���ϧ�ģ�
����The spirit's yearning cry, ʹ������еغ���ŵģ�
����The striving after better hopes, Ϊ�˸����õ�������ܶ��ŵģ�
����These things can never die. ��Щ���ò������š�
����The timid hand stretched forth to aid, ���ӵ����Ԯ�����֣�
����A brother in his need, ����ĵ�����Ҫ��ʱ��
����A kindly word in grief's dark hour , ���������ѵ�ʱ��һ�����еĻ�
����That proves a friend indeed: ������֤�����ѵ����ģ�
����The plea for mercy softly breathed, ����������������
����When justice threatens nigh, �������ٽ���ʱ��
����The sorrow of a contrite heart-�ûڵ�����һ���˸�——
����These things shall never die. ��Щ���ò������š�
����Let nothing pass for every hand, ���˼䴫�����飬
����Must find some work to do : �������ܵ�ȥ����
����Lose not a chance to waken love- ���ʧȥ�˻��Ѱ�������——
����Be firm, and just , and true; Ϊ��Ҫ�ᶨ����ֱ���ҳϣ�
����So shall a light that cannot fade, ����Ϸ���ҫ������ǵ���â��
����Beam on thee from on high. �Ͳ�����ʧ��
����And angel voices say to thee——�㽫������ʹ��������˵——
����These things shall never die. ��Щ���ò������š�

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