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��Դ������ ���ߣ�  ����   ʱ�䣺2011-04-27   �����
Make the Sandman your best friend when you use these tips to achieve REM�� or rapid eye movement sleep — and experience its restorative benefits.
����Step 1�� Consult physician
����Consult a physician or sleep specialist to determine whether you have a disorder�� such as sleep apnea�� that interferes with your ability to achieve REM sleep.
����Tip��Recognize REM sleep by more rapid breathing and limb immobilization.
����Step 2�� Strive for quality sleep
����Strive for an overall quality sleep experience by developing a healthy lifestyle including a regular bedtime schedule�� exercise�� and relaxation.
����Tip��Know the first REM period occurs between 70 and 90 minutes after falling asleep.
����Step 3�� Reduce interruptions
����Reduce external factors which may interrupt sleep to allow the regular dream-rich REM sleep periods to occur and expand throughout the night.
����Tip��Maintain a comfortable bedroom temperature to avoid sleep disruption.
����Step 4�� Avoid antidepressants
����Avoid taking antidepressants which may suppress REM sleep�� and be aware that decongestants�� diet pills�� and caffeinated beverages may also thwart your ability to achieve REM sleep.
����Step 5�� Avoid cigarettes
����Don‘t smoke which often leads to light sleep and reduced amounts of REM sleep.
����Step 6�� Avoid alcohol
����Avoid alcohol consumption which keeps people in a light sleep stage and reduces one‘s ability to reach REM sleep stages.
����Step 7�� Sleep longer
����Extend your time in bed if necessary to get at least 7 hours of sleep each night�� providing ample time for REM cycles to occur. Now�� enjoy waking up in the morning rested and ready to conquer the world.

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